Coaching Resources

Ultimate discs

Ultimate discs ⋆

Resources from UKU and other organisations

  • 10 Simple Rules

    10 simple rules to help you get started

  • Coaching resource partner

    We worked with Flik to produced a number of videos to help coaches and teachers understand throwing and catching basics.

  • UKU Ultimate Activities Scrapbook

    A scrapbook of ideas and to help you introduce Ultimate and discs to children.

  • The playing field

    Suggested field dimensions and use of space for different surfaces.

  • "World Flying Disc Federation" resource

    WFDF e-book designed for teachers available here.

  • FREE online resources for members

    Free online Coach Education materials, including all Level 1 course content, for UKU members (Full, Uni/u18 and Coach members).

  • Coach Education

    Find out more about our courses and qualifications for players, coaches and teachers.

  • Online learning resource

    ICOACHKIDS is a non-profit global movement. It’s our mission to help kids get the most out of sport – because kids were made to play, but many stop before they’ve even had a chance to start.

  • National Curriculum Teaching Resources

    Partnering with Stem Crew and 1851 Trust we helped with content for Ultimate-based teaching resources that use sport to explore different skills in the classroom.

  • Coach Profiles

    Read about the experiences of those already coaching Ultimate in the UK.

  • College Women's Ultimate Resources Manual

    Now in it’s second edition, this is a great resources with lots of ideas and resources.

  • WFDF Hand signals

    Hand signals to help with in-game communication

  • UK Coaching: Coach Learning Framework

    This Framework helps coaches develop their coaching knowledge and confidence to deliver great sessions.


    European Ultimate Gender Equity Manual

  • GUM

    Girls’ Ultimate Movement - initiative from USAU to increase girls’ participation in Ultimate.

  • Online Guide

    Beginners' Guide to Ultimate Frisbee (USA based)