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UKU/BUCS University Men's Indoor Regionals [UMIR] 2021-22

University Men's Indoor Regionals (UMIR) will be held on this date for the 7 regions.

Scotland - Oriam, Edinburgh

Info Pack: TBC

Schedule: TBC

North - SportCentral, Northumbria

Info Pack: TBC

Schedule: TBC

Yorkshire & East Mids - The Edge, Leeds

Info Pack: TBC

Schedule: TBC

West Mids & Wales - Alan Higgs, Coventry

Info Pack: TBC

Schedule: TBC

South West - Bath STV

Info Pack: TBC

Schedule: TBC

South East - Fareham

Info Pack: TBC

Schedule: TBC

East & London - HSV, Hertfordshire

Info Pack: TBC

Schedule: TBC

More venue details, including the playing surface, expected times of play, and full venue addresses, can be found here:

30 October

UKU University Mixed Indoor Regionals [UXIR] (YE, WW, SE, EL) 2021-22

8 January

UKU Club Mixed Indoor Qualifiers [CXIQ] 2021-22 - January Events