UKU World’s Watch Party, We All Play Mixed and Leicester August Edition 2024 Confirmed Teams

Confirmed teams for UKU World’s Watch Party, We All Play Mixed and Leicester August Edition 2024 can be found here: UKU Outdoor Confirmed Event Entries 2024.

If you have not entered one of these events and would still like to do so, there is plenty of space at all three. You can enter via the event websites here:

UKU World’s Watch Party - Women’s Tour

UKU We All Play Mixed - Mixed Tour

UKU Leicester August Edition - Open Tour

Spaces are available on a first come first served basis.

The full program of outdoor events in 2024, including information on venues, dates and how it fits into EUCS 2024 can be found here.


First Aid course hosted by Brighton Ultimate - spaces available


Regionals Draft Schedules Available