Recruiting Women's Coordinator for the Competitions Committee


Update 9 Feb 2022: this position has now been filled.

UKU is looking for a new Women's Coordinator to join the Competitions Committee. This role is also automatically part of the Women’s Committee. As part of the competitions committee the appointee helps shape the high-level structure of UKU competitions and represents the women's division as well as leading conversations relating to the Women's division. As part of the Women's Committee the Women's Coordinator is a member of the committee and acts as a liaison with the Competitions Committee, helping with the development of the Women's Ultimate in the UK.

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank Kirsten Wells for all her work in this role over the last few years.

To apply please email with some information about you and your interest in being involved. Thanks. If we have multiple appropriate candidates this position will be decided by election.

The Terms of Reference for the two committees are here and here. The functions of those Competition Committee are copied below from the ToR documents.

  • UKU Competitions Committee (UKUCC) has overall responsibility for all aspects of competitions.

    • University and Youth divisions are largely delegated to the University and Youth committees respectively.

  • Primary role for UKUCC is the medium/long-term direction and high-level structure of ultimate competition in the UK.

  • Annual review and update of UKU Competition Rules.

    • Deal with any questions relating to the rules, and provide rulings in unforeseen circumstances not covered by the written rules

  • Operational delivery of the competition programme is not part of the remit of the committee itself.

    • The details of booking venues and dates are managed by the UKU staff, subject to staying within a broad agreed structure.

    • Committee will review every season for the purposes of gathering input for future improvement. This will be done twice a year: once for indoor, once for outdoor. The committee delegates the review of University and Youth competition to those committees.

    • In each case the committees are responsible for producing a brief report of the review.

    • Divisional coordinators support staff as the point-of-contact for operational delivery discussions/decisions if and when they are needed. In general such queries would not expect input from any other committee members. Issues that cross multiple divisions would involve all affected divisional coordinators and DoC.

  • UKUCC is the first point of contact for complaints related to the competition aspects of ultimate in the UK

  • Ensure that UKU competitions and rules are structured appropriately in relation to external competitions (e.g. EUCS, WUCC) and organisations (e.g. BUCS, EUF and WFDF competitions and rules).

  • Work with international competition committees to ensure UKU input to these committees and to ensure visibility of the international programme into UKU competition planning.

To apply please email with some information about you and your interest in being involved. Thanks. If we have multiple appropriate candidates this position will be decided by election.


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