Staying up-to-date with UKU News and Britdisc update


You can get your UKU news in different ways but the best way to make sure you don’t miss any UK Ultimate news is to sign up the UKU Weekly Newsletter, which pulls stories posted that week and anything you might have missed from previous weeks into a short newsletter emailed directly to you. This is usually sent on Fridays.

If you want event updates emailed to you as they are published, please also sign up to the google group using the link below - this is only used to communicate event updates and will not spam you with other news.

We also post on social media channels, however due to these platforms’ algorithms we cannot guarantee you will see the news you want from us. Please note, we cannot currently push our stories to Twitter, so if this is how you like to read your UKU news, please consider another mode of getting your updates to ensure you don’t miss out!

Britdisc Update

After years of kindly running the britdisc mailing list Ralf has noted the reduced usage of the platform and we've agreed to move it over to a UK Ultimate google group rather than him continuing to maintain it.

Our plan is to see how many people move their membership over to the new britdisc google group and then make a decision on if there is enough interest to maintain the group. The group should operate in basically the same manner.

People are able to sign up using this link (you'll need to sign in to a google account to join the group):

And anyone who is part of the mailing list will be able to send emails to it which are then sent on to the rest of the mailing list.

We must also all say a big thank you to Ralf for maintaining britdisc for all these years!


EUF Spring Invite/UKU Spring Startup (22-23 April 2023): Winners and Final Standings


EUF Spring Invite/UKU Spring Startup 2023 (Women’s) 22-23 April Draft Schedules Available