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Entries for Windfarm, Manchester Mayhem, Grey Towers, Moooxed, and ‘The one where we all play Mixed’ still available
Entries are still available for the following events on a first come, first served basis:
Manchester Mayhem
Windfarm, Nottingham
Grey Towers, Durham
Moooxed, Edenbridge
‘The one where we all play Mixed’, Birmingham
Moooxed, Grey Towers and Manchester Mayhem - Confirmed Teams
Confirmed spots for teams at Manchester Mayhem (Open Tour), Grey Towers and Moooxed (Mixed Tour).
Entry Deadline for National Playoff’s, Grey Towers, Moooxed, and Manchester Mayhem are Tomorrow (Tuesday 4th April)
A final reminder that the entry deadline for the following events is Tuesday 4th April:
Manchester Mayhem
Grey Towers, Durham
Moooxed, Edenbridge
UKU National Championships Playoffs