Women’s BUCS League discussion

The UKU University Committee (UKUUC) are holding an open forum to discuss the format of the Women's BUCS League and want your input. We are interested in hearing constructive feedback about you and your team’s experiences of the league as it is currently run and thoughts on how games could be run in the future to get the best out of the competition for those involved. 

Please sign up using the form below if you have thoughts or ideas about what the league looks like now and what is might look like in the future.

We hope to hear from University Women's division players or university committee members from all regions around the UK. We believe it's important that this discussion considers the contexts and experiences of the different regions.

Please complete this form if you would like to attend https://forms.gle/nVdmVjrfm75L1HsV6.

The forum will be on Weds 26th April at 7pm. Meeting link: meet.google.com/rhv-bzpj-ysu


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